MrC Vietnam Industry Co., Ltd is one of the leading companies in the field of providing “Factory renovation and upgrading services in Vietnam”.

With more than 10 years of experience in factory construction, we understand the important role of the “Factory renovation and upgrading services in Vietnam” for the factories operating in Vietnam.

Vietnam has many advantages for foreign-invested enterprises to develop and expand production.

  • Low-cost, hard-working, and smart labor force
  • Geographical Location & Potential Market
  • Vietnam is a member of many trade agreements like: WTO, BTA, CPTPP, FTA….
  • Political stability and many incentives the Government provides for foreign investors.
  • Improved transport infrastructure.

Therefore, when you use our “Factory renovation and upgrading services in Vietnam”, we will offer you the best solution in terms of quality and cost for your Factory.

Reasons for renovating and upgrading a Factory

  • The investor desires to expand production
  • The factory has been used and operated for a long time and the facilities in the factory are degraded, which hardly ensures safe and efficient production.

What is Factory Renovation Work?

“Factory Renovation ” is the process of improving, changing or expanding the infrastructure and production processes of a Factory to meet new needs or to improve operational efficiency. Factory renovation often occurs when there is a need to expand or change production scale, as well as when the Factory’s infrastructure loses quality after a long period of use.


What types of renovation work does Factory renovation in Vietnam include?

Factory renovations in Vietnam can include redesigning space, upgrading equipment, optimizing production processes, and improving management systems to increase efficiency and improve product quality.  At the same time, compliance with legal regulations on fire prevention and the environment is also very important.

  1. Redesign the space when renovating the Factory: Adjust the layout of machinery, production areas and offices to optimize the working space and make the production process more efficient.
  2. Upgrade equipment when renovating the Factory: Update, upgrade or replace production machinery and equipment to improve performance, save energy and minimize incidents.
  3. Optimize production processes when renovating the Factory: Evaluate and improve production processes to reduce waiting time, waste and increase output.
  4. Improve the management system when renovating the Factory: Strengthen the Factory management system, including material management, quality management and production management to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
  5. Comply with fire prevention and environmental laws when renovating the Factory: Ensure that renovation activities comply with legal regulations on labor safety, fire prevention, environmental protection and other related regulations.
  6. Employee training and development during Factory renovation: Provide training to employees on new processes, equipment and technology so they can work effectively in the new production environment.


Comprehensive Plant Renovation Strategy for various areas within the Plant

  1. Warehouse area when renovating the Factory:
  •  Improved warehouse layout to optimize storage space and easy access to goods.
  •  Evaluate and apply automation technology to manage inventory and increase accuracy in warehouse management.
  •  Upgrade packaging systems and reevaluate shipping processes to reduce time and costs.
  1. Production area when renovating the Factory:
  • Redesign production lines to optimize product flow and enhance performance.
  • Upgrade production equipment and integrate new technology to reduce waiting time and enhance product quality.
  • Train employees on new processes and technology so they can work more efficiently.
  1. Assembly area when renovating the Factory:
  • Optimize assembly area layout to enhance work flow and reduce assembly time.
  • Upgrade assembly equipment and apply automation technologies to enhance performance and product quality.
  • Create safe and comfortable working conditions for employees to increase satisfaction and labor productivity.
  1. Auxiliary areas (utilities) when renovating the Factory:
  • Evaluate and improve utility systems such as electricity, water, and drainage systems to ensure continuous and stable operation.
  • Upgrade maintenance and repair systems to minimize incidents and machine downtime.
  • Apply energy saving measures and optimize backend management to minimize operating costs and enhance environmental sustainability.


Significance of Renovation work in Factory Renovation.

Improvements in the Factory renovation work bring many important meanings, including:

  1. Enhance efficiency: Factory renovation helps optimize production processes, upgrade equipment and improve management, thereby increasing production efficiency and minimizing waste.
  2. Improve product quality: By improving equipment and production processes, the Factory can improve product quality and meet the increasing quality requirements of the market.
  3. Cost savings: Factory renovation can help reduce production, operation and maintenance costs, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of businesses in the market.
  4. Enhanced sustainability: By optimizing energy and resource use, Factory retrofits can help reduce waste and negative environmental impacts, thereby contributing to building a more sustainable production systems.
  5. Improve working conditions: Factory renovation can create a safer, more comfortable and more efficient working environment for employees, thereby increasing labor satisfaction and productivity.
  6. Meet market requirements: By renovating the Factory, businesses can flexibly adapt to market changes and customer needs, keeping themselves in a competitive position in the market.


Plan and progress of Renovation work in Factory Renovation.

Plant renovation work planning and progress is important to ensure that the renovation process occurs efficiently and within the expected time. Below is a method for organizing plans and schedules:

  1. Determine specific goals: First, clearly define the factory renovation goals, including performance, quality, cost and time goals.
  2. Analyze and evaluate current status: Conduct analysis and evaluation of the current status of the Factory to identify issues needing improvement and opportunities for optimization.
  3. Detailed planning: Develop a detailed plan for the renovation process, including specific tasks, necessary resources, time and person in charge.
  4. Assign tasks: Assign specific tasks to each member of the renovation team, and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each person.
  5. Establish a schedule: Develop a detailed schedule with work steps and expected start and end times for each stage of the renovation process.
  6. Monitor and evaluate progress: Monitor progress compared to plan, and take corrective measures if necessary to ensure progress is maintained.
  7. Interaction and communication: Close interaction and communication with stakeholders, including renovation team, management and other stakeholders to ensure full communication and support.
  8. Inspect and evaluate: Inspect and evaluate the progress and results of renovation work to draw lessons for learning and improvements for future projects.


Roles and Responsibilities of a Renovation Manager in a Factory Renovation.

The roles and responsibilities of the Factory renovation manager are very important to ensure the Factory renovation process goes smoothly and effectively. Here are some of their main roles and duties:

  1. Planning and progress management: Managers must make detailed plans for the entire factory renovation process, determine time, resources and work to be done, then manage and monitor implementation progress.
  2. Analysis and Evaluation: They must analyze the current status of the Plant and evaluate issues that need improvement, as well as identify optimization opportunities. To have optimal solutions for Factory renovation work
  3. Assign tasks: The Factory renovation manager must assign specific tasks to each member of the renovation team, clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each person.
  4. Resource management: They must manage resources such as human resources, materials and finances to ensure that these resources are used effectively and economically.
  5. Interaction and communication: The Factory Renovate Manager must interact and communicate closely with stakeholders, including the renovate team, management and other stakeholders to ensure communication and full support.
  6. Problem Solving: When problems occur, they must be able to analyze and resolve them quickly to ensure that the Factory renovation process is not interrupted.
  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: They must monitor and evaluate the progress and results of the Factory renovation work to ensure that goals are achieved and lessons learned for future projects.
  8. Leadership and inspiration: Finally, they must be the leaders of the renovation team, inspiring and motivating members to complete the job successfully.


Consequences of Improper Renovation at the Right Time in Factory Renovation

Improper renovation or improper timing during the factory renovation process can cause the following serious consequences:

  1. Production interruption: Performing factory renovation at the wrong time can disrupt the current production process, leading to reduced output or increased operating costs.
  2. Cost increases and budget overruns: If Factory renovations are not thoroughly planned and budget controlled, it can lead to cost increases or budget overruns.
  3. Waste of time and resources: If the Factory renovation process is not carried out effectively, it can lead to waste of time and resources, causing delays in project completion.
  4. Reduced product quality: Improper factory renovation can cause disruptions in the production process, reduce product quality or increase the rate of defective products.
  5. Risk of occupational accidents: Factory renovation can create an unsafe working environment if not done properly, leading to the risk of occupational accidents.
  6. Loss of reputation and market share: If improper factory renovation leads to interruptions in production or reduced product quality, the business may lose reputation and market share.
  7. Impact on the environment: Improper factory renovation can cause negative impacts on the environment, including air, water and soil pollution due to waste dispersion or discharge from the production process.


Pls notes, when performing Renovation work in Factory Renovation

When performing Factory renovation work, there are some important notes that need to be considered and followed:

  1. Detailed planning: Create a specific and detailed Factory renovation plan, including time, resources, budget and specific steps to be taken.
  2. Perform current status analysis: Carefully analyze the current status of the Factory to identify issues needing improvement and opportunities for optimization. To have the best solution for Factory renovation work
  3. Continuous communication and engagement: Ensure close communication and interaction between all stakeholders, including the renovation team, management and staff.
  4. Set specific and measurable goals: Determine specific goals for the Factory renovation process and establish measurement indicators to evaluate progress and results.
  5. Risk management: Identify and evaluate risks that may occur during Factory renovation and develop plans to minimize or handle them.
  6. Ensure labor safety: Always put labor safety first by applying safety measures and ensuring that all employees are fully trained and equipped on safety before performing work. Factory renovation work.
  7. Resource and budget management: Monitor and manage resources and budget carefully to ensure that the Factory renovation process is carried out effectively and economically.
  8. Monitor and evaluate progress: Monitor progress against plan and evaluate performance indicators to ensure that goals are achieved.
  9. Learn and adjust: Continuously learn from previous Factory renovation projects and adjust plans and strategies according to lessons learned.


How to estimate Renovation costs in Factory Renovation.

To estimate the cost of the Factory renovation process, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the scope of Factory renovation: Clearly determine what the scope of Factory renovation includes and what elements need to be improved or upgraded.
  2. List the tasks that need to be done: List all the specific tasks that you plan to perform during the Factory renovation process. Make sure this list completely and accurately reflects the renovation goals.
  3. Estimate costs for each job: Estimate the necessary costs for each specific job in the list. This can include the cost of materials, labor, equipment, and other costs such as transportation and maintenance.
  4. Calculate total costs: Summarize all estimated costs for each job to calculate the total cost of the entire Factory renovation project.
  5. Reserve for unexpected costs: Reserve a part of the budget for unexpected or fluctuating costs, but this reserve needs to be estimated reasonably.
  6. Determine financial sources: Determine financial sources to pay for factory renovation costs, including existing funds, loans or other funding sources.
  7. Monitor and evaluate costs: Monitor and evaluate actual costs against initial estimates to ensure that the budget is maintained and adjusted if necessary. In order not to affect the quality and progress of the Factory renovation work.
  8. Reporting and presentation: Compile and report Plant renovation costs to stakeholders, including management and financial agencies, in a way that they can easily understand and respond to.


Significance of applying 4.0 technology to Renovation management in Factory Renovation

Applying 4.0 technology to renovation management during the factory renovation process brings many important meanings:

  1. Enhance performance and efficiency: Technology 4.0, including artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and automation, can help optimize production processes and manage factory renovations, thereby enhancing performance and efficiency.
  2. Improve product quality: The combination of advanced technologies can help monitor and control product quality during Factory renovation, reduce incidents and product defects, thereby improving improve the final quality of the product.
  3. Enhanced monitoring and control: Technology 4.0 allows remote monitoring and control of production systems via Internet-connected devices, helping factory renovation managers monitor and intervene. into the renovation process flexibly and effectively.
  4. Enhance labor safety: Sensor systems and artificial intelligence can be used to monitor and predict the risk of occupational accidents, helping to ensure a safe working environment for employees.
  5. Data management and smart analysis: 4.0 technology allows to intelligently organize and analyze production data, thereby providing important information to make factory renovation management decisions more effective.

In summary, applying 4.0 technology to renovation management during factory renovation brings many significant benefits, from enhancing performance and product quality to improving labor safety and optimizing renovation process.


Safety measures in Factory renovation in Vietnam

During the factory renovation process in Vietnam, ensuring labor safety is extremely important. Here are some safety measures that should be applied:

  1. Ensure compliance with legal regulations on labor safety: Ensure that all Factory renovation activities fully comply with Vietnam’s labor safety regulations, including labor laws and specific regulations related to the construction industry.
  2. Training and Coaching: Provide training and coaching to all employees involved in the Plant renovation process, including the knowledge and skills necessary to work safely in the construction environment build.
  3. Use protective and safety equipment: Ensure that all employees are fully equipped with personal protective equipment such as helmets, goggles, gloves and protective shoes before Participate in factory renovation construction.
  4. Hazard and risk control: Conduct assessment and control of hazards and risks during Factory renovation, and establish preventive and corrective measures to minimize incidents.
  5. Equipment inspection and maintenance: Carry out periodic inspection and maintenance of all equipment and machinery used during the Factory renovation process to ensure safety and working performance.
  6. Materials and construction quality management: Ensure that all materials and equipment used during the Factory renovation process meet safety and quality standards.
  7. Complete management and clean-up of the site: Carry out proper management and clean-up of the site to eliminate hazards and risks related to remaining materials, unstable structures and hazards other.
  8. Communicate and negotiate with stakeholders: Carry out close communication and negotiation with all stakeholders, including contractors, Factories and other stakeholders, to ensure that everyone Everyone understands and complies with safety measures.

MRC Industry Company is a reliable partner in the field of Factory renovation in Vietnam, with many outstanding advantages:

In Vietnam’s competitive factory renovation market, MRC Industry Company has affirmed its position as a reliable partner with many outstanding advantages. With a long history of experience, professional service, and highly skilled staff, MRC Industry is making a positive mark in the Factory Renovation industry.

  1. Long-term experience:

With more than a decade of operation in the field of Factory renovation, MRC Industry Company has accumulated a rich and extensive experience. Through each project, we not only gain more knowledge but also develop trusting relationships with customers and partners.

  1. Diverse customers:

With its reputation and service quality, MRC Industry Company has attracted attention and cooperation from many diverse domestic and foreign customers. From small businesses to large corporations, we are always committed to bringing the highest satisfaction and value to each project.

  1. Professional service:

With high quality standards and professionalism in every aspect of the Factory renovation project, we are committed to providing the best Factory renovation services to customers. From needs assessment, planning, design, to construction and inspection, each step is performed with care and detail.

  1. Highly skilled staff:

Our staff is not only experienced but also extensively trained in Factory renovation work. Their extensive understanding of production processes and project management helps them ensure each project is carried out professionally and efficiently.

  1. Detailed and optimal solution:

We always seek and develop the most detailed and optimal solutions to meet the exact needs and requirements of each Factory renovation project. The creativity and expertise of our team of engineers and experts is key to the success of each project.

  1. Quick implementation time:

We are committed to implementing each Factory renovation project quickly but still ensuring quality and efficiency. Flexibility in project management and proactiveness in handling problems help us complete projects on time and exceed customer expectations.

In short, MRC Industry Company is not only a reliable factory renovation partner, but also a companion partner, ready to support and develop with customers in each project.

Please contact us via Hotline: 19009233, Email: for advice on the best solutions for your Factories.