MrC Vietnam Industry Co., Ltd is a leading company in the field of providing “Fitting out Factory in Vietnam”

With more than 10 years of experience in construction of factories in Vietnam, we understand very well the important role of “Factory fitting out services in Vietnam” for the investors who want to expand or set up factories in Vietnam.

 The detailed contents of the fitting out planning include the followings:

  • Conducting surveys and preparing designs according to the information provided by the investor.
  • Offering the best design solutions with the lowest cost.
  • Providing free consultation on contents related to permits including: Construction permit, environmental permit, fire prevention and fighting permit.
  • Obtaining mutual consent on the final drawings for cost calculation and quotation.
  • Ensuring quality, progress, and safety during the construction.
  • Handing over the factory for the investor to start production activities.

What is fit out (fitting-out)?

Fit out, also known as fitting-out, is the process of transforming the original rudimentary home space into a fully functional and ready-to-use space. This process often includes work such as wall construction, ceiling installation, flooring, as well as installation of electrical systems, lighting, air conditioning, and fire protection systems. This is an important process to create space that is used effectively and safely for the desired purpose.


What is Factory Fit out (fitting-out) works?

Factory Fit out (fitting-out) works in Vietnam is the process of transforming the factory space from its original rudimentary state into a fully functional and convenient operating space. This fit out work includes activities such as building and improving infrastructure such as walls, ceilings, floors, installing electrical systems, lighting, air conditioning, as well as safety systems such as fire protection system (fire protection). The goal of this fit out work is to create an effective and safe working environment for employees, suitable for production lines, while optimizing the capacity and performance of the factory.


Fit out (fitting-out) What types of Fit out work does a factory in Vietnam include?

Factory Fit out (fitting-out) work in Vietnam includes a series of jobs to transform the factory space from its original rudimentary state into a fully functional and convenient operating space. Below are some Fit out tasks often performed during factory renovation in Vietnam:

  1. Construction and improvement of infrastructure: Includes construction and improvement of walls, ceilings, and floors to create a sturdy and safe space.
  2. Electrical system installation: Includes installing and upgrading the electrical system to ensure a stable and safe power source for factory operations.
  3. Install a lighting system: Ensure that the workspace is adequately and effectively lit, including the use of energy-saving LED lights.
  4. Install an air conditioning system: Ensure that the workspace is always adjusted to the appropriate temperature and humidity to create a comfortable and effective working environment.
  5. Fire protection system installation (fire protection): Ensure that the factory is fully equipped with fire protection equipment and systems to deal with the risk of fire and explosion and in accordance with legal regulations in Vietnam, when performing Fit out work.
  6. Improve amenities and usability: Includes installing amenities such as showers, sinks, rest areas and dining rooms to create a comfortable and convenient working environment for employees. tablets.
  7. Depending on each customer’s specific requirements, we will perform appropriate Fit out work.


All of these fit out jobs are aimed at creating a safe, efficient and convenient working space for the factory’s production activities.


Basic legal procedures when performing Fit out work at a Factory in Vietnam

When embarking on fit out work at a ready-built factory for rent in Vietnam, adherence to basic legal procedures is paramount to ensure compliance and smooth operations. The following essential documents are requisite:

  1. Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC): Before commencing any business activities, obtaining an ERC is mandatory. This certificate serves as proof of legal entity status and includes information about the company’s business activities, ownership structure, and registered address.
  2. Investment Registration Certificate (IRC): For foreign investors or certain domestic projects, acquiring an IRC is necessary. This certificate outlines the investment project’s details, such as capital, location, and objectives, and is crucial for legal recognition and protection.
  3. Environmental Permit: Given the increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability, securing an environmental permit is vital. This permit demonstrates compliance with environmental regulations and ensures that fit out work does not adversely impact the surrounding environment.
  4. Certificate of Approval for Fire Fighting Design: Safety is a top priority in any workplace. Obtaining a certificate of approval for firefighting design ensures that the factory’s fire safety measures meet the required standards, safeguarding both employees and assets.
  5. Construction Fit Out (Renovation) Permit: Specific authorization is needed for fit out or renovation activities. This permit verifies that the proposed modifications comply with building codes and regulations, maintaining structural integrity and safety standards.
  6. Certificate of Acceptance of Fire Fighting: Upon completion of fire safety installations and procedures, a certificate of acceptance is issued after inspection. This certificate confirms that the factory meets the necessary fire safety requirements and is equipped to handle emergencies effectively.

Adhering to these basic legal procedures not only ensures regulatory compliance but also fosters a conducive and secure working environment for all stakeholders involved in the fit out process.


Comprehensive Factory Fit out (fitting-out) strategy for different areas in the Factory

A comprehensive Factory Fit-out strategy for different areas within the Factory can be implemented according to different methods and criteria, depending on each area’s specific goals and requirements. demand of the production process. Here are some strategies that can be applied:

  1. Fit out work of Production Area:
  • Optimize space to enhance production efficiency and workflow.
  • Install modern equipment and machinery to optimize production processes.
  • Improve ventilation and lighting systems to create comfortable and safe working conditions for employees.
  1. Fit out work of Office and Management Area:
  • Open and flexible space design to create comfort and communication between departments.
  • Install modern information technology and equipment to enhance working efficiency and communication.
  • Create rest and utility areas to create a positive and friendly working environment.
  1. Fit out work of Warehouse and Logistics Area:
  • Optimize storage space and circulation of goods to enhance performance and save space.
  • Install a smart warehouse management system to optimize the process of receiving and distributing goods.
  • Create comfortable and convenient working areas for warehouse management and logistics staff.
  1. Fit out work of Utility and Service Area:
  • Improve utility systems such as restrooms, dining rooms, and rest areas to ensure comfort and convenience for employees.
  • Install utility equipment such as backup generators and water supply systems to ensure continuous operation of the factory.

By analyzing and responding to the specific needs of each area in the factory, a comprehensive Fit out strategy will help optimize performance, safety and convenience for the entire production and management process.


Meaning of Fit out (fitting-out) job in Fit out Factory.

Fit out (fitting-out) work in Factory Fit out plays an important role in creating an efficient, safe and comfortable working and production environment. Here are some key implications of this work:

  1. Create a quality work space: Fit out Factory helps transform the space from its original rudimentary state into a quality work environment, with full infrastructure and utilities to support the production and management activities.
  2. Improve labor safety: By installing safety systems such as fire protection, lighting, and air conditioning systems, Fit out work helps increase safety for employees working in the factory.
  3. Enhance production performance: A good working and production environment will help enhance the performance and efficiency of the production process, from improving work processes to creating comfortable working conditions for employees. staff.
  4. Create convenience and savings: By improving infrastructure and utilities, Fit out work helps create convenience and savings in factory management and operations.
  5. Create a strong image and brand: A well-decorated and designed factory not only creates a positive impression on employees but also creates a strong image and brand with customers and partners. work.

In short, the Factory Fit out job is not just about decorating the premises but also an important process to create a good, safe and effective working and production space for the entire factory.


Fit out (fitting-out) work plan and progress in the Fit out Factory.

To effectively carry out Fit out work (fitting-out) when Fitting out the Factory, a specific plan and work schedule is needed. Below are some steps and principles to consider when planning and managing Factory Fit out work schedules:

  1. Determine goals and requirements: First, it is necessary to clearly define the specific goals and requirements of the Fit out Factory job, including the scope of work, technical requirements, and completion time.
  2. Analyze the scope of work Fit out of the Factory: Next, you must analyze and determine the detailed scope of work, including areas that need to be equipped, systems that need to be installed, and standards that need to be installed. Safety standards must be followed.
  3. Plan the work progress Fit out of the Factory: After determining the scope of work, it is necessary to make a detailed progress plan, including specific steps, expected completion time of each step, and necessary resources.
  4. Dividing Work and Assigning Work: Based on the progress plan, it is necessary to divide Fit out Factory work among teams and individuals to perform, determining the specific responsibilities and tasks of each person.
  5. Manage and Monitor Progress: Manage and monitor Fit out Factory work progress closely to ensure that every step is done on time and with the right quality.
  6. Problem Handling and Plan Adjustments: During the process of implementing Factory Fit out, problems or unexpected changes may arise. Need to be ready to handle problems and adjust plans to ensure work progress is not affected.
  7. Evaluation and Feedback: When completing the Factory Fit out project, it is necessary to evaluate the work results and collect feedback from stakeholders to improve future work processes and progress.

By carefully planning and managing the Fit out Factory work schedule, it can be ensured that the work will be completed on time and that the set targets will be achieved.


Roles and tasks of the Fit out (fitting-out) manager in the Fit out Factory.

The role and duties of the Fit out (fitting-out) manager when performing Factory Fit out (fitting-out) are important to ensure that the process runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are some of their main roles and duties:

  1. Planning and schedule management: The Factory Fit out manager needs to make a detailed plan for the entire Factory Fit out process, including determining the scope of work, setting the schedule, and dividing divide resources. They must also monitor and manage progress to ensure that all work occurs on time and according to plan.
  2. Organize and distribute work: The Factory Fit Out Manager must organize and distribute work to implementation teams, determine the specific responsibilities of each person and ensure a clear understanding of each person’s duty.
  3. Materials and Resource Management: They need to manage and control the materials, equipment, and other resources needed for the implementation of Factory Fit out, including ordering, quality control , and cost management.
  4. Problem solving: During the implementation of the Fit out Factory project, problems or obstacles may arise. The Factory Fit out Manager must be able to resolve these issues quickly and effectively to ensure work progress is not affected.
  5. Communication and reporting: They must maintain a continuous flow of information between departments and stakeholders, as well as report progress and status of Fit out Factory work to senior management and other stakeholders. other related parties.
  6. Safety and quality assurance: The Factory Fit out Manager must ensure that all operations are carried out in compliance with safety and quality standards, and that precautions are in place to ensure safety for employees and quality of the project.

In summary, the role of the Fit out manager in the Factory Fit out process is important to ensure that all work is done on time, with the right quality, and achieves the set goals.


Consequences of Fit out (fitting-out) not properly and at the right time in the Factory

Fitting out (fitting-out) incorrectly or at the right time during the Factory Fit-out process can cause serious consequences, including:

  1. Delay in project completion: If the Factory Fit out is not performed according to plan or does not comply with the schedule, it can lead to delay in project completion. This can affect production and delivery schedules, causing financial and reputational damage to the business.
  2. Increased Costs: Improper implementation of Factory Fit out can lead to increased costs due to having to repair substandard work or incur additional costs for hiring additional labor or raw materials. material.
  3. Safety risks: If Factory Fit out is not done properly, it may create safety risks such as fire, electric shock, or labor accidents due to lack of safety during construction.
  4. Reduction in project quality: Improper factory fitting can lead to a reduction in the quality of the project, causing technical or aesthetic problems later, and also affecting the reputation of the business.
  5. Loss of time and capacity: Having to repair unsatisfactory work or have to start from scratch will waste time and capacity of employees and management teams, and slow down progress. of the Fit out Factory project.

Therefore, ensuring that Factory Fit out is done properly and at the right time is important to avoid negative consequences and ensure the success of the Factory Fit out project.


Pls notes, when performing Fit out (fitting-out) work in the Factory

When performing Fit out (fitting-out) work during the Factory Fit out process, there are a number of important considerations that should be considered to ensure that the work takes place efficiently and safely. Here are some notes:

  1. Reasonable design: Ensure that the Factory Fit out design is consistent with the factory’s goals and requirements, including both functional and aesthetic factors. Factors such as ventilation, safety, space saving, energy saving, and suitability for the factory’s production capacity must be considered.
  2. Comply with safety standards: Always comply with labor and construction safety standards during Fit Out Factory construction, including the use of personal protective equipment, electrical safety monitoring, and comply with fire prevention regulations.
  3. Project progress management Fit out Factory: Plan and manage work progress carefully, ensuring that all work takes place on time and does not cause delays to other parts of the factory machine.
  4. Cost Control: Monitor and control the costs of the Fit out Factory project, ensuring that there is no waste and unnecessary costs.
  5. Project Quality Monitoring Fit out Factory: Carry out periodic quality checks to ensure that work is performed to the right quality and in compliance with standards.
  6. Interaction with Stakeholders: Ensure close interaction and communication with other stakeholders such as employees, contractors, and other management departments to ensure harmony and cooperation in Fit out Factory project implementation process.
  7. Suggested Improvements: Encourage suggestions for improvements and optimizations in the construction and finishing process to enhance the performance and quality of the Factory Fit out project.

By adhering to the above notes, the Plant Fit out process can be carried out efficiently and safely, ensuring that the plant will be fully equipped and in good working order upon completion.

How to estimate Fit out costs (fitting-out) in Fit out Factory

To estimate costs for the Fit out process (fitting-out) in Fit out Factory, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the scope of Fit out work at the Factory: First, it is necessary to clearly define the scope of Fit out work, including areas that need to be equipped and necessary services. Carefully check the information in the environmental permit for environmental protection solutions.
  2. Design and make a list of materials and equipment: Based on the scope of work, design and make a list of materials and equipment necessary for implementing Fit out of the Factory.
  3. Estimate the work and price of materials and equipment of the Fit out Factory project: Estimate the amount of work to be done and the price of materials and equipment. Can refer to suppliers, contractors, or based on previous experience.
  4. Calculate labor costs of the Fit out Factory project: Determine labor costs by estimating the number of labor hours required for each job and applying the corresponding salary or labor value.
  5. Calculate other costs of the Fit out Factory project: In addition to material and labor costs, it is also necessary to calculate other costs such as site return costs, waste transportation, equipment rental costs, management fees, and other expenses.
  6. Compile and compare: Compile all calculated costs and compare them to the expected budget to ensure that there is no overrun on your budget.
  7. Create Quotation and Factory Fit out Project Report: Based on cost estimate, create detailed quote for customer or detailed report for other stakeholders so that cost information is presented clear.
  8. Adjust and update: Adjust and update the cost estimate when there are changes in the scope of work or price.

By performing the above steps carefully and accurately, you can estimate Fit out (fitting-out) costs during the Factory Fit out process effectively and reliably.


The meaning of applying 4.0 technology to Fit out management (fitting-out) in Factory Fit out

Applying 4.0 technology to Fit out management (fitting-out) in Factory Fit out brings many important benefits and meanings, including:

  1. Enhance performance: 4.0 technology, such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and automation, can be applied to optimize the Factory Fit out management process, from Track progress to optimize resource usage.
  2. Improve processes: 4.0 technology allows to automate processes and manage data effectively, from ordering materials to managing work progress Fit out of the Factory. This helps minimize manual dependence and optimize workflow.
  3. Effective resource management: 4.0 technology helps manage resources such as materials, equipment, and labor more effectively through data collection and analysis, helping to optimize use resources and minimize waste.
  4. Enhanced safety: Industry 4.0 technology can be used to monitor and improve labor safety during Factory Fit out, from monitoring the working environment to minimizing the risk of accidents.
  5. Create a smart workspace: 4.0 technology helps create a smart and connected workspace, helping managers and employees easily access information and interact with each other effectively. fruit.
  6. Improve quality and aesthetics: 4.0 technology can be applied to design and quality appraisal, helping to improve the quality of Fit out Factory projects and create beautiful and beautiful environmental spaces. modern.

In summary, applying 4.0 technology to Fit out management (fitting-out) in Factory Fit out brings many benefits, from enhancing performance and safety to improving processes and work quality.


Safety measures in Fit out (fitting-out) Factory in Vietnam

During the Factory Fit out (fitting-out) process in Vietnam, compliance with safety measures is very important to ensure employee safety and protect business assets. Here are some safety measures that should be taken:

  1. Safety training: Provide training on labor safety and safety procedures for all employees participating in the Factory Fit out process. Training should include the use of personal protective equipment and accident prevention measures.
  2. Use protective equipment: Require all employees and workers to use full personal protective equipment such as helmets, goggles, gloves, and safety shoes when participating in the process. Fit out Factory process
  3. Equipment safety check: Perform periodic checks and maintenance for all equipment, machinery and safety systems such as fire protection systems to ensure effective operation.
  4. Hazardous Materials Management: Manage and dispose of hazardous materials safely and legally to ensure a safe work environment for all employees.
  5. Energy control: Apply energy control measures such as checking and maintaining electrical systems, air conditioning systems, and lighting systems to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, and related accidents to electricity.
  6. Safety Progress Monitoring: Perform periodic safety progress monitoring to ensure that all safety measures are properly implemented and followed.
  7. Share safety information: Create an open working environment and encourage the sharing of information and experience on labor safety between departments and work groups.
  8. Handling safety incidents: There must be plans and measures to handle safety incidents quickly and effectively if any incidents occur.

By implementing these safety measures, it is possible to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and workers involved in the Factory Fit out process.


MRC Industry Company is a reliable partner in the field of Factory Fit out (fitting-out) in Vietnam, with many outstanding advantages:

  1. Long-term experience: With many years of operation in the industry, MRC Industry has accumulated a valuable amount of experience in implementing Fit out projects for factories in Vietnam.
  2. Diverse customers: MRC Industry has built a diverse list of customers from different industries, from manufacturing to services, especially large and reputable enterprises in the market.
  3. Professional service: The company is always committed to providing the most professional and thoughtful service to customers, from the design consultation stage to project construction and completion.
  4. Highly skilled staff: MRC Industry owns a team of experienced and highly skilled staff, ensuring quality and efficiency for every project.
  5. Detailed and optimal solutions: The company always focuses on providing the most detailed and optimal solutions for each project, ensuring that all customer requirements and desires are met.
  6. Fast implementation time: MRC Industry is committed to implementing each Fit out (fitting-out) project in the shortest time without affecting the quality of work.

In short, with outstanding advantages such as experience, quality staff, and commitment to providing professional service, MRC Industry is a top choice for Factory Fit out projects in Vietnam.


Please contact us via Hotline: 19009233, Email: for advice on the best solutions for your Factories.